One of the most frustrating parts of buying and selling a property is conveyancing. Although the process is much quicker than it used to be, it can often seem as if you’ll never move house. However, if you’re prepared to be proactive then you can speed the process along.

Tips for sellers

• Forms: The quicker you can have your forms filled out and ready to go, the quicker your buyers will have an information pack. That means they can rapidly raise any queries and you can deal with them as quickly as possible.

• Paperwork: If you’ve had any work done on the property then you’ll need copies of the planning permission, building regulations completion forms and any other relevant paperwork. The more information your buyers have, the less likely they’ll raise time-consuming queries. Likewise, if there are any guarantees and warranties on your home, include these with your paperwork.

• Be organised: Your conveyancer will do their best to complete the process as quickly as possible. But you’ll need to be organised and keep in frequent communication with them to stay on top of the process and keep it moving smoothly.

Tips for buyers

• Finances: Agreeing a mortgage in principle will speed up the process significantly, so make sure your finances are in place as quickly as possible. Ask your mortgage lenders to fax or email documents where possible to avoid waiting for them to arrive in the post.

• Paperwork: The same rules around paperwork apply to buyers as for sellers. The more quickly you can get the paperwork completed, the more quickly your lawyer can get things moving. Be ready with your mortgage deed, signed contract and transfer deed so contracts can be exchanged as quickly as possible.

• Enquiries: The faster you submit any queries, the more quickly they can be dealt with. Particularly if the sellers need to provide additional documentation in order to answer them.

• Chase: Either instruct your lawyer to chase or do it yourself. This can involve contacting the estate agent and/or the conveyancer but remember that in-depth searches can take time.

Set a completion date

The more quickly the buyer and seller can agree on a completion date, the more quickly you can exchange and move into your new home!


<a href=””>SOLD!</a> by Matt_Lodi licensed under <a href=””>Creative commons 4</a>

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