Complaints Against Conveyancing Solicitors

Buying a home is a very emotive experience – one that you invest not just your money, but your time and energy, into. Buying property is still one of the biggest purchases we are likely to make in our lives, and naturally, you want a conveyancing solicitor who places the same level of importance on your purchase you do.

It only takes one small moment of distraction at the hands of your conveyancing solicitor to place your purchase in jeopardy. If your conveyancing solicitor has let you down, you’ll want to make sure that it’s brought to the attention of someone who can help get the resolution you need.

If you’re happy that you’ve got grounds for a complaint, your first port of call should always be the solicitor or the firm of solicitors for whom they work. They should look at why you’re unhappy and give your solicitor the chance to explain what happened to cause this.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority recommends that when complaining:

1) Do so as quickly as possible, while the facts are recent and to hand
2) Specify exactly what you’re complaining about, and what you would like done to resolve it
3) Always take the names of the people you speak to, as you may need to refer to conversations later on in the process
4) Keep a level head. Naturally, you’re frustrated, but being reasonable and measured is more likely to get the right result
5) Allow plenty of time for the solicitor/firm of solicitors to investigate. Eight weeks is recommended by the Legal Ombudsman

If after complaining to your solicitor or their firm, you’re still not happy with the outcome, you can refer the complaint to the Legal Ombudsman. You cannot go to the ombudsman until your solicitor has finished their own investigation.

The main job of the Legal Ombudsman here is to look at complaints associated with poor service. An example of this would be if your conveyancing solicitor lost documents, delayed or was unclear in their communication, or made an error with your fees. If your complaint is upheld, the ombudsman can order an apology, a part refund or whole refund, the return of your documents, or compensation if you have suffered a loss as a result of poor service from your solicitor.

Serious problems occur in very few cases, but if problems do occur, there are established ways to ensure that you’ll get the redress you need. For more information on dedicated conveyancing issues, contact The Conveyancing Store now for free no-obligation advice.

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